How can we help YOU?
Homeline offers long-term befriending services, helping to reduce isolation and loneliness for 60+ residents living in Hammersmith and Fulham.
- Are you lonely and in need of telephone support?
- Would you like a friendly volunteer to visit your home for a chat or go for a walk outside?
- Are you worried about a friend, neighbour or relative who lives in Hammersmith & Fulham?
- Would you like to meet new friends and enjoy activites and lunches?
We offer the following services:
Telephone befriending service: We make weekly befriending phone calls to our members for a chat, to check all is well and to assist with any problems. Local Information, signposting provided and referrals can be made to appropriate services. When we can't reach a member we carry out safe & well checks to make sure all is well.
Volunteer befriending - home visits: We have a team of friendly volunteers ready to provide home befriending support to residents. Homeline matches our most isolated members with a volunteer for frequent home visits or support getting out and about. Volunteers can support with occasional shopping and prescription deliveries.
Volunteer befriending - outdoor walks: We can match residents with a volunteer for walking. This service is for residents who can walk independently but wish to build confidence in accessing the local community and/or simply stay healthy. Enjoy a walk to a local cafe or class!
Regular classes and social events/lunches: Currently we have IT, Knitting and Reading classes on offer to Homeline members at The Creighton Centre. In addition, we run monthly social events - a great opportunity to get more involved in your local community and make new friends! A calendar of our latest events to be posted here soon...
To find out more and/or request a referral form: Contact us on homeline@creightoncentre.org or 02073859689 (option 1)
How you can help
Volunteer with us!
Do you have an hour or two to spare each week? Homeline are looking for friendly volunteers to join our team to offer help in a variety of ways. You could visit a person for a chat, accompany someone for a walk, help to deliver activites and events or telephone isolated people regularly for a friendly chat. Make a difference today! Full training, DBS and guidance provided.
Email homeline@creightoncentre.org/jradusinovic@creightoncentre.org or 02073859689 (option 1) to enquire about volunteering with us.
Donate through our website to support our important work at this time https://www.creightoncentre.org/donate
Find out more - why not read some of our Homeline befriending stories :
Nikos - Homeline telephone befriender:
For almost a year now (I started on April 13th 2020), every week has started the same way. Each Monday morning I spend a couple of hours calling local people to offer help and support and to have a friendly chat. The calls were initially pretty formulaic, essentially following a list of questions to check on people and make sure they were coping well and they had all the medicine and food they needed in what were still the early days of the pandemic. However, soon enough relationships started to blossom and conversations went beyond the set script to take a life of their own. It is amazing how quickly time flies and how, even though calls are so regular, there is always more to discuss and share. From current affairs and local news to discussing hopes, dreams, and history practically everything is on the agenda!
Indeed, this is why I have enjoyed doing this for so long. There is always more to learn and to discuss and it is rare to find an activity that is so enjoyable while at the same time being helpful and beneficial to others. Margaret, one of the regulars on my call sheet, will always make sure to thank me for calling, and to say how nice of me it is to call. For the past year I have been giving her the same reply, as true today as it was the first time I said it - 'this is the best way to start the week!'
With many thanks to those that have received my calls in the past year!
It has really been a pleasure and thank you Jelena and everyone else at BCH for making it possible!
Nikos, Homeline Volunteer, April 2021