Back by popular demand: The Creighton Centre's Health Day - 15th May 10am - 3pm
We are so pleased to be hosting our annual Health Day once more:
Wednesday 15th May
10am – 3pm
The Creighton Centre, 378 Lillie Road, Fulham, SW6 7PH
This FREE event is back by popular demand and a great opportunity for community engagement and networking across the borough’s health and wellbeing services. A perfect opportunity for Hammersmith and Fulham residents, carers and professionals to meet health & wellbeing services and learn more about becoming healthier, being more active and feeling safer in our community.
What’s on offer throughout the event?
10am – 1pm
Advice and information, free health checks (by South Fulham PCN), nutrition awareness session and taster activities: Our large hall will be bustling with stallholders from a variety of local health & wellbeing services. These services will provide advice, information and free health checks from the South Fulham Primary Care Network. In our small hall we will also be offering a chance for visitors to join interactive awareness and taster sessions including nutrition, singing for health and gardening.
From 1pm
Lunch: Tasty and healthy free lunch options will be available to all attending.
1.30pm – 3pm
Dance Social: Our large hall will host an inclusive, dementia friendly dance social, with a chance to try out line dancing and ballroom styles. An opportunity to socialise and celebrate our community.
Please feel free to spread the word, come along and/or bring a group from your community - we look forward to welcoming you all!